Centre for Advanced Transport Engineering and Research (C.A.T.E.R) is an experienced Australian company developing a wide range of innovative cost effective and well proven Rail Inspection systems for the global rail industry. C.A.T.E.R has a strong focus on identifying rail flaw trending leading to Condition Monitoring using a suite of self-developed products. International customers such as Network Rail MTR Hong Kong Siemens and Transport for London recognise this holistic system capability.
The Centre for Railway Engineering (CRE) is an industry focused research centre hosted by CQUniversity’s School of Engineering and Technology. CRE provides world-class research to the rail industry delivering innovative solutions engineering consulting and commercial outcomes in areas of: Train/Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation, Energy Analysis, Wagon Design, Locomotive Design, Traction Simulation, Wheel/Rail Contact Mechanics, Wear and Tribology and development of Smart Sensors and Devices. Our team can also work collaboratively with you on Product Design/Development and Solutions using Supercomputing and Big Data.
Metromatics is a manufacturer of LCD Passenger Information Displays, Hearing Loop Systems, Public Information Displays and other Display Technology marketed under our brand name - MetroSpec. Installed at most Major Railway Stations; Tramways; Light Rail and Ferry Networks in Australia as our products are weather resistant, sunlight readable, fully sealed, and designed to an IP65 rating to meet harsh Australian outdoor conditions.